Monday 5 August 2013

I've got me an Etsy shop

I'm in e-commerce now. Or at least I will be if I make some sales. I've opened a shop on Etsy, Hivemind Heavy Industries and the URL is I'll be adding a banner at the top of this page at some point.

Hivemind Heavy Industries online at Etsy
I've sold a few things on eBay before but Etsy has lower fees, it's a trade off though as eBay has more market coverage.

In other news I've expanded my repertoire to include cherry flavoured lip balm. I did try to make some nice round glossy labels but they're pretty much impossible to get right. Main problems assumnig they're actually cut right and the manufacturer's template is right is printer drift. I was managing about seven good labels on a page of 48 and decided to give up and go back to square ones.

Cherry Flavoured Lip Balm

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